Divine Mercy Sunday
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
This Sunday we celebrate the 8th day of Easter otherwise known as the octave day. We celebrate the octave for the church’s major feast days. It is a reminder to us that we are people of the 8th day. God finished His work of creation and recreation on the 6th day (i.e. Good Friday). He rested on the 7th day (i.e. Holy Saturday). He rose again from the dead on Sunday, the 8th day. We are the people of the 8th day. (PS: that’s why our baptismal font has eight sides.)
St. John Paul II also designated today Divine Mercy Sunday. St. Faustina, a religious sister who lived in Poland in the early 20th century had visions of spreading throughout the world a devotion to Jesus’ divine mercy. I’ve been twice to the shrine of the Divine Mercy near Krakow, Poland. Both times we visited on our way back from a harrowing visit to the Auschwitz Nazi death camp. What divine providence that God would choose a humble nun and a simple parish priest from Krakow who lived a few miles from the death camps
of WWII to remind the world of God’s divine mercy through Jesus. How awesome is that?
Divine Mercy Sunday Schedule:
Mass – 9 AM (St. Catherine) & 11 AM (St. Anne)
Holy Hour, Eucharistic Adoration, Singing of the Divine Mercy Chaplet – 3 PM (St. Catherine)
Confessions available from 3-4 PM (St. Catherine)