Proposal 3: Important Message for all Masses Nov. 5 & 6
Dear Pastors, Administrators, Deacons and Directors of Parish Life,
November 8 is almost here, and 48% of Michiganders polled by MCC support Proposal 3 and 33% oppose it. Sadly, 53% of Catholics polled are currently supporting the proposal. The good news is MCC is finding “soft yes” votes are more likely to move to a no vote when they hear frequent messages against Proposal 3. With only weeks left, it’s important the faithful are fully informed on this proposal.
First, I ask that you read my attached statement at all Masses on the weekend of Nov. 5 and 6. I also ask that you include the statement in your bulletin the same weekend.
Secondly, I encourage you to use any of the following resources to help educate your parishioners during these final days. Here are some prepared resources to help:
- Where Does It Say That? An Explainer on Proposal 3
- How Should Priests and Deacons Preach on Proposal 3
- Share any of the Diocese of Gaylord Facebook posts
In Christ our Life!
Most Reverend Jeffrey J. Walsh
Bishop of Gaylord