May 28, 2023 | Pentecost Sunday, Year A
As of July 1, 2023 —
The Parishes of the Resurrection of the Lord welcome the following newly assigned priests:

Reverend Zeljko J. Guberovic:
Pastor, Sacred Heart Parish, Oscoda; St. Anne Parish, Harrisville; St. Catherine of Alexandria Parish, Ossineke; St. Gabriel Parish, Black River; St. Raphael Parish, Mikado.

Reverend Basil Lek:
Parochial Vicar, Sacred Heart Parish, Oscoda;
St. Anne Parish, Harrisville; St. Catherine of Alexandria Parish, Ossineke; St. Gabriel Parish, Black River; St. Raphael Parish, Mikado.

This month, we are raising funds for the annual Catholic Services Appeal (CSA). To date, St. Anne is at 19% towards our Goal of $22,555; St. Raphael is at 17% towards our goal of $7,633; St. Catherine is at 17% participation with $9,322.00 pledged; and St. Gabriel is at 14% participation with $785.00 pledged. The CSA is an opportunity to unite with all Catholics in the diocese to share our blessings and show our care for one another. It provides the opportunity to act together and support programs and services no single individual or parish could offer by itself. Your gift is very important. Every gift, regardless of the size, is vital to the success of the CSA. Would you consider helping us reach our parish goal and supporting the CSA today? Learn more and give online at