We want to start by saying thank you! Thank you for the giving of your time and treasure to support our diocese and ultimately our parish and the Catholic values that we hold so dear.
Since the formation of the Diocese of Gaylord in 1971, the Catholic Services Appeal (CSA) has been both an invitation and opportunity to support the programs, services and ministries within our diocese and around the world. Through our collective efforts, the CSA is the primary source of funding for the programs and ministries directed by our bishop, providing support to our parishes as well as most of the special national and international collections typically taken up as second collections in other dioceses.
Our theme for CSA this year “50 Years of Faithful Generosity”, speaks to this great journey we are on together; a journey of faith as a local church for 50 years! CSA allows us to reach across parish boundaries, tying us together through a common thread of attending to the needs of our parishes, our parishioners, our diocese and to the people of Northern Lower Michigan and beyond.
Every year, parishes are asked to make a just sacrifice through a CSA target that is determined by both parish count and ordinary income. Any funds received over the parish target are returned to the parish 100% for local needs and good works.
The purpose of the CSA is to help provide the funding necessary to carry out the mission of the Catholic Church—to build our families, our parishes, our diocese and our world into that faith community whose compassionate ministry to humanity embodies and witnesses to God’s power. The CSA supports services and ministries, some of which attend to needs that are beyond the scope of any individual parish. Some exist for the sole purpose of assisting parishes in their mission to teach, evangelize and provide good liturgical experiences. It is important that we recognize both aspects of the appeal.
Below you will find additional information about what the appeal supports, the 2021/22 budget, parish promotional materials, a campaign manual, and convenient ways to give. If you have any questions about the Catholic Services Appeal, please contact the Diocese of Gaylord at 989.732.5147.
Thank you for the many ways that you support the Church by embracing a life of discipleship, most specifically, through your gift to the Catholic Services Appeal. May you find the gifts you make, in gratitude for God’s abundant blessings, to be a source of great joy.

Parish CSA Targets:
St. Anne: $25,279
St. Catherine: $25,282
St. Gabriel: $6,415
St. Raphael: $7,932
Total Gifts and Pledges
(as of June 2):
St. Anne: $15,075
St. Catherine: $22,925
St. Gabriel: $6,777
St. Raphael: $9,740
Percentage of Target:
St. Anne: 75%
St. Catherine: 90%
St. Gabriel: 106%
St. Raphael: 106%
Making a Gift
Your generosity will make an impact far greater than what you can imagine…but how do you discern what gift to make?
In Mark 12:41-44, Jesus reminds us that it is an act of generosity and worship to the Lord to give what we are able–to give a gift from the heart that is sacrificial for us. While this dollar amount is different for everyone, we are all called to participate in whatever way we can. Every gift matters and makes a lasting difference in the work of our parishes and diocese.
As you prayerfully consider what you and your family can commit to the 50 Years of Faithful Generosity campaign, keep in mind that you could make a one-time gift or a pledge gift to spread your giving throughout the year.
Making a pledge may help you stretch your gift by giving over the course of several months, or length of your choosing. Pledge reminders are sent by the diocese, and these are meant to keep your giving easy to manage. Pledges to the CSA campaign are also flexible—if your situation changes, you can always adjust your pledge by calling the diocesan Finance Office.
To make a gift online, CLICK HERE. Here, you can make a one-time gift or set-up recurring payments. Your parish will be notified of your gift.
When you receive CSA information in the mail, complete your pledge card and return it to your parish for processing.
Several payment options are available, including cash/check, credit card and Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT). Please make checks payable to “Parish Name – CSA” and return to the parish office.
As you may know, CSA supports the work and mission of our diocese, which includes essential services for our parishioners, our community, and our Catholic Schools. Similar to how your regular offertory supports our Parishes, the gifts we make to CSA support the offices within the Diocese of Gaylord and the many vital ministries and ongoing work accomplished at the pastoral center and throughout our Universal Church.
Shining a Light on CSA: Did you know that CSA supports over 40 programs and services throughout the diocese, all of which touch our parishioners and parish? Here are just a few examples: