Location: 110 S. State Street Harrisville, MI 48740
Parish History
Since 1868 many priests have guided and inspired generations with their wisdom, strengthening our Catholic faith and enriching our caring, Christian community.
They have led us into the 19th century, when the first white framed church was built in 1868, under the direction of Fr. Patrick Murray, to the 20th century, when the present church was completed in 1962. The church was blessed and dedicated on August 12, 1962 at a solemn High Mass by the Most Rev. Stephan Woznicki, Bishop of Saginaw and pastor Fr. Raymond Mulka. In 1969 a large parish hall and classroom space was completed. Maria Hall continues to serve our entire community as a place of gathering, learning, and fellowship.
The design of the new church was meant to be innovative while reflective of our Indian Mission history and the area’s natural beauty and resources. The prolific use of indigenous wood throughout the church reminds us of the abundant forests, which gave rise to the logging industry in northeast Michigan in the 19th century. The spacious new church was able to accommodate 900 people, welcoming parishioners and visitors alike. As we continue to worship, we can appreciate the many before us who contributed to the formation of our church that we enjoy today.